Friday, November 23, 2007

A Sinking Feeling

My dad is in Antarctica and is having a had a great time, with one exception: his ship hit an iceberg and is sinking. I think he accidentally signed up for the "Titanic Experience" package when setting up the trip. Fortunately everyone was evacuated safely to another ship. (What a deal -- two trips for the price of one!)

Read all about it at the New York Times. There are good photo galleries at the New York Times and ABC News too.

Update Fri, Nov 23:

Subject: We're okay
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 15:56:33 -0800

You may have heard by now that we had to abandon our ship, the MS Explorer this (Friday) morning. We are now okay and are at a Chilean base in King George Island near the Antarctic Peninsula. If all goes well we will be evacuated by air tomorrow to Punto Areanas Chile. I heard a bump and then water leaking this morning at 12:30. Felt water on the floor. We gathered things up. Put on our heavy winter coats and went to muster station. We abandon ship at 2:30. Spent 2 hours in life boat. Fortunately weather was "good". We were picked up by the ship NordNorse and deposited here. We're coming home as soon as we can.

Update Sat, Nov 24:

Subject: RE: We're okay
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 07:11:37 -0800

We just got word that a plane has punta areanas. We hope to leave today. If not tomorrow. Lost all our luggage. We we given clothes on boat. She has only her wellingtons to wear. dONT EVEN HAVE HOUSE KEY. fortunagely we have passports and a credit card. this is a bad connection.

Update Sun, Nov 25:

Subject: Punto Arenas
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:52:26 -0800

We are now alive and well in Punto Arenas.

This whole thing is surreal. Things like this only happen to other people. In the Chilean base I gave phone interviews in Spanish (a trying experience) and English to a paper in London. Here have given an interview to Toronto Star.

We wont' get off until tomorrow at earliest.

I saved a memory card of all photos except last day == 2 gigabytes. Backed up my diary to flash memory two days before.

Today we go shopping for clothes.

Looking forward to coming home. We're leaving on the 4 pm flight for Santiago,Chile. Save newspapers and magazine articles for us.

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